Colorful Copper Feather Earrings CF-14

western American and Art Deco Designs. Shop now for exquisite colorful copper feather earrings made by skilled artisans of us. These handmade earrings are like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Each piece is meticulously crafted by our talented artisans, ensuring a unique and stunning piece of jewelry. Our copper feather earrings are diamond cut by hand to sparkle and shine, adding a touch of luxury to your everyday style. Made from copper and silver-plated, these earrings are lacquer coated to prevent tarnishing, ensuring they stay beautiful for years to come. With surgical steel hypoallergenic ear wires, these earrings are not only stylish but also comfortable to wear. The high-quality craftsmanship is evident in every detail, making a statement and impressing all your friends. Our earrings are designed with easy-to-put-on surgical steel French hook ear wires, ensuring a perfect fit every time. The artisan-crafted sophistication and fine details of these earrings will

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